Sunday, June 12, 2011

Attack of the SHOULDs

So, I see it's been some time since my last post. You would think that after I was laid off my job at the end of May, that I might have had a little more time to post to my blog, and you would be right. However, I think I've been avoiding it, just as I avoid cutting the grass or doing the dishes (I'm avoiding the lawn mower as I write this post). This shouldn't feel like a chore, right? Not that anyone is holding me accountable to post, that's all me.

That's me in the guilty chair.

All me.

Like how I feel that I should my household under control by now (I don't) or have found a job by now (I haven't) or slimmed down and gotten healthier (not yet). Seems to me that my life is full of SHOULDs right now. My 40th birthday is in 23 days and I feel like I SHOULD have it all figured out by now (I don't).

What I need to do is give myself a break - it's not like I'll become a superhero in 23 days, capable of turning myself into a swirling ball of energy and tying up all my loose ends and finishing all my unfinished projects so I could start my 40th year fresh and in control (though, that would be awesome). I have limitations and need to set my goals and expectations back to the human setting (not superhero setting).

I'm also not likely to win the lottery (I don't play), so I don't think my financial woes will be resolved in 23 days, either. I may find a job in the next 23 days, but if I don't, I'm not a failure, I just need to be persistent, stay positive, and keep trying.

I created this digital art journal page to remind myself of what I SHOULD be doing:

And since it's the first cool day, non-rainy in my neck of the woods, I have to go cut that grass!


  1. **sigh**

    Those "SHOULDs" always find a way to get us down, don't they? Oh, sweet friend . . . let them go. You'll get there. 23 days??? Come on . . . I would still be in bed if it were me.

    One day at a time, and soon you'll find your new path. It may not be what you think it should be. (Am I getting to deep here? I don't know if I even understand what I am trying to say.) Just know that I am thinking of you.

    Can't wait to see you Saturday!

  2. **sigh**

    Those "SHOULDs" always find a way to get us down, don't they? Oh, sweet friend . . . let them go. You'll get there. 23 days??? Come on . . . I would still be in bed if it were me.

    One day at a time, and soon you'll find your new path. It may not be what you think it should be. (Am I getting to deep here? I don't know if I even understand what I am trying to say.) Just know that I am thinking of you.

    Can't wait to see you Saturday!

  3. I have so many SHOULDS!! I am trying to get rid of them though so I am happier:)

    I love your new blog banner...those paint brushes are amazing!!!!!

  4. Thank you for your wonderfully sweet thoughts yesterday. I had another killer migraine so I so needed them. I don't like to get down like that on my Blog...but I was just keeping it real. You are great!!!
