Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Favorite Photos of 2011 (a bit late)

Despite the fact that I have a camera in my purse at all times, my good camera (the DSLR that no one touches but me), a camera on my iPod touch AND one on my phone, I seem to have lost my mojo for photos some time last year. Maybe it was because I started to trust my memory and didn't need pictures (not at ALL!), or because I feel the need to "enhance" every photo I share with Photoshop (what a drag!), or it might be because my teenager who used to see a camera and smile instantly now subtly and not so subtly moves out of the shot, looks down, covers her face... much to my to my dismay.

I do have a few good photos to share...
Sweet Sleepy Jack
Jack on the landing overlooking the computer
Dmitry on the way to causing trouble
My girl broke her collarbone in track. Repeat after me: Track is NOT a contact sport!
The Crosly entertainment center I bought for $7 at Goodwill....not a scratch on it and everything works. Dug out my old records...that's a post for another time!
Matt teaching his Great Uncle Don about Pokemon. This picture is precious to me.
I'm a sucker for these twinkling blue eyes and those freckles.
Matt selling raffle tickets for Hope 4 Paws
I'm related to these crazy people!
....and this crazy little duck, too!

Did I mention he's crazy? What a sense of humor this kid has!
And now he's an orange belt!
Ana went to homecoming
Matt's birthday pizza was bigger than him

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" (we helped)
Aww...my babies

Thanks for sharing with me....hopefully I'll get on the ball and tell a few stories! And I still need to find my One Little Word...

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!! LOVE this look at 2011!!! The pictures are awesome. . .
